The quality of your relationship matters.
Couples Therapy
How can you help me and my partner with our problems?
During our first session together, I will get to know the two of you and your individual views regarding the dynamics of your relationship, and I will assess potential areas where you may want to work to improve the relationship. At the end of the evaluation, I will share my findings with the two of you. Then the three of us will collaborate to determine what your individual and shared goals are for your relationship. We will also determine at the time if there is a goodness-of-fit between myself and both partners.
During the following sessions, we will work together based on the plan we made during the assessment. We will address ongoing concerns, and also address any new issues which may arise during your time in therapy.
If my relationship is doing well, do my partner and I need to engage in couples therapy?
Not necessarily. A wise person once told me “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, and I respect people’s right to self-determination.
With that being said, many couples come to me to strengthen their relationship while things are already going well. I also work with couples who are moving to the next stage of their relationship and want to engage in premarital counseling. What is most important is that you and your partner both desire growth and you are seeking guidance from a professional on how you may best achieve that.
Do you accept insurance for couples therapy?
I do not accept insurance for couples therapy. Most insurance companies will deny coverage for couples therapy. The few who do pay significantly less than they would pay for individual therapy. Furthermore, insurance companies only pay for sessions up to one hour in duration, and any extra time is not compensated.
I offer 80 to 85-minute therapy sessions (90-minute block) as both individuals each deserve their own space to share their thoughts and emotions and each also deserve time to process during the same session. It has been my professional experience that the extra time allows both partners to feel heard, feel seen, and have their concerns attended to during a couples therapy session.